2 years ago
My Game Company "Maximize Games"
Posted by
on Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hello there, I would like to introduce my game company "Maximize Games". Our company developing casual games, which sold to many famous publishers on the web. Until now, we have created four games. They are Pet Playground , 2 Tasty , Overweight and the newest one is Seawise : Untamed legacy.
Maximize Games is the brand new place to get the latest trend casual game, fun for everyone! We focus on delivering quality games with compelling graphics and better gameplay experience than ever..
We have a page too in facebook, please press "like" button, if you like it :)
below is the snapshot of our games
Pet PlayGround
2 Tasty
And the last game Seawise is a hidden object game, and now it's been released the beta and we are seeking for beta tester :) if you are interested in it, please comment here and press the like button on our facebook fan page below here
visit us too on our site
Please donate by visiting our sponsor
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- teddytrump
- I'm just a simple person who trusted by God to do the extraordinary things ^^ Now, I'm in process in growing up my character and now I have been given a big test to myself to see whether I should give up or not because my leg is unable to use like a normal leg, half of disable. But I try not to give up, and I try to give thanks to GOD and here is me. I'm still go on in my life, thanks GOD for giving me a big spirit inside me and last word DISABLE is nothing! Nothing is Disable because Disable means This is Able
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7 years ago
13 years ago
Wah keren Sob game'y......aku juga mau maen tuh hhe.....
ada DVD versinya ga buat di Install??
LIke FBnya nyusul ya Sob soalnya aku udah 3 bulan ga OL Facebook hhe......
@Ferdinand : hehe there's no dvd version, there's only a downloadable files on the site..
Thanks a lot for your support bro :D
infonya bagus!
salam kenal 0_0
wah gamenya boleh juga tuch sob,kapan2 pingin nyoba juga nech
Sukses slalu!
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